Tuesday, April 6, 2010

my travel trip

The trip most fitting my age group is the one down memory lane. The year was approximately 1983, the place YVR, when it was known as Vancouver airport.
Four excited ladies, three sisters plus my sister Barbara's business partner in their exclusive ladies wear shop. Their relationship with the fashion industry made this trip feasible.
First leg of the trip approx. 27hrs. to Amsterdam, then onto Air I'talia to Milan. It was what they call Modeste season when the designers bring in their next season line to display in fashion shows and exclusive shops.
Upon our arrival we booked into the Carlton Sanota hotel, handed over our passport on demand to the desk clerk, rested a few hours then were on our way to see some of the sites of Milan.
Looking ahead about 3 blks. there stood the most majestic imposing Cathedral and piazza.
Heated and canopied sidewalks in the high class boutique area. This is by no means the comfort norm on all streets, like fashion shows do not show the norm, they show a rather exaggerated expression of the actual garment.
Now a view of the colorful locals, so civilized, three old gentlemen sitting outside at a round picnic table eating ice-cream cones, discussing world affairs. A beautiful middle aged women, tanned legs, thick greying curly hair, scarf billowing in the breeze, waves to the old gentlemen as she proudly bikes past them. At the same time I note a very sophisticated looking waiter crossing four lanes of traffic carrying a large tray high above his head laden with pastry and coffee, heading to a local business on the opposite side of the street. All traffic slows down to accomidate the travelling waiter, What a neat world so civilized. No joggers, sweating in public would not be acceptable , nor would the jogging attire.
Gentlmen dress and act like proud peacocks, Overcoats casually hung over their shoulder, very white shirt and ties, shoes high shine , very well kept and alway a eye for the ladies
Onto Florence ,home of the famous statue "David" and many other wonderful pieces of artwork , I personally loved the bridges of Florence, one in particular "Del Vichio", with kiosks on either side of the bridge deck, sales of jewellery and souvenirs etc.
After arriving home to a leaky GM Place roof I thought of the bridge "Del Vichio" how it survived the World War 2 bombings and all the other very old structures , Guess we just don't build the way they use to.
My sister Dola and I went by train to Venice. I do remember walking out of the train station, looking directly onto a waterway, a real postcard image, this trip could have been better , Dola got the idea in her head she could be kidnapped as she was married to a very well to do business man, well that did not make for very good siteseeing . We stayed in the oldest hotel in Venice, I didn't say the greatest, very small rooms, fabric covered walls, situated on the canal , very close to the "Bridge of Sighs" which joined the old courthouse building to the Execution building. That is apparently why it is called The Bridge of Sighs.
My memory is starting to fail me, it was a very good trip, I was also happy to be back home in Canada

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